Halifax Gentlemen's Poker Association

"We're as honest as gambling men can be."

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Game Report 7/11/06

Location: EBOC's Brother-in-Law's Swanky South End Pad
Attendance: Neil, Chris, Drake, Bob, EBOC, Eric, Speedbag

Another sweltering session in the confines of the Webster Terrace PokerDome. Neil's early attempt to play tight torn asunder by desire to leak chips onto table like a mofo. Drake was up early by a large margin, a fact that would haunt him later on. Arrival of Chris later in evening bode ill for all involved, as he quickly became big stack. Speedbag busted out before nightmarish massacre of Crazy Games began. Drake lost his previous winnings as did EBOC, and Eric and Neil both continued into the red while Bob and Chris built sizable stacks.

All was well until Eric's revealing of "Don't Shoot Yourself In the Foot" which is essentially played like Guts with insane variations that make you pay a dollar for three more cards, but you are then locked into the hand. Pot quickly built to a staggering $37.50 or so, only to then increase to a relatively huge $85 or so.

EBOC and Bob actually lost a fair amount of their winnings at that point, sending EBOC to the nearest ATM (actual kind, not Neil) and forcing BOB to play a $55 marker in the middle, which he promptly won back from Chris with a straight to the Ace the very next hand. Tempers flared and thankfully the game ended with Chris reaping a huge pot to add to his already bulging stack of chips.

Big Winner: Chris, with a new record of $185

Big Loser: Neil, to the tune of -$65

Big Moment: Bob's Herculean re-winning of his $85 marker

Bad Beat: Eric's full house sinking to four of a kind, specifics forgotten.

Quote of the Night: "I don't know about you guys, but this seems pretty fucking insane to me." - Drake, commenting on the madness of 'D.S.Y.I.T.F'.


Blogger Chris McLaren said...

186 dollars of pure profit, baby.

I did not buy shoes.

You guys did, however, fund a Freak Lunchbox trip, a museum trip, a trip up to the wildlife park in Shubie, and a number of meals out, so Sarah is quite well-disposed towards you at the moment.

8:03 PM  
Blogger Neil said...

As always, my gambling addiction has been for the purpose of delighting small children.

2:25 AM  

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